Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ten Months Old

My mom brought over an outfit that I had worn when I was about 10 months old. She had saved the outfit throughout the years because it was one outfit that reminded her of when I was a baby. I waited until Kylie was 10 months old and antisipated dressing her in it to see if there were any similiarities. We couldn't resist but to chase Kylie around the house taking a few pictures.


Amberly said...

I'm glad to see some pictures of you on your blog! You look so pretty and so does your mom!! She looks just like I remember her years ago! I love the heirloom dress on Kylie. That is so fun.

Nielsen6 said...

She is so cute!! I love that she is wearing your outfit...make sure to keep those pics! How are you girl? It's so fun to see the photos of all your family. You guys are getting to be quite the crew with all the grandbabies, I'm sure your mom is in Heaven! Love ya

The Magic Family said...

I think that she looks a little like you in that picture, but boy, she sure does look like Dave too! What a cute little girl you have!