Sunday, September 28, 2008


On our way home from Stake Conference we were stopped at a light when we were hit from behind. We heard a huge noise behind us and then the car next to us was hit and then ran into our vehicle. Everyone in all vehicles seemed to by alright. Dave was smart enough to have left enough room between cars so we didn't run into the car in front of us. It was right after Stake Conference so our Home Teachers, several neighbors, and the Relief Society President all stopped to see if we were okay. We even received a text from our friend Joel, who lives in Brigham City, 30 minutes after the accident asking if we were okay. We were later harassed that we weren't listening to the prayer when they stated to be careful when driving home. That will make me think twice before I spend most of Stake Conference in the hallway and missing the prayer! Well we really felt blessed and watched over. It could have been much worse and were grateful for everyones concerns.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Welcome Home Elder Auger

Dave's brother Josh just returned home from serving a mission in Micronesia-Guam. Elder Auger had a 6 hour layover in Salt Lake before he headed to Pocatello so we met him at the airport and took him to breakfast. We anxiously waited for him bright and early so we could give him a warm welcome. He had warned us previously in an email that he would not be hugging any girls at the airport. Well, I didn't think that applied to me, for one, because I am his sister-in-law, and two, because I am a woman not a "girl." The moment I saw him I couldn't resist but go up to him and give him a hug. It quickly became a side hug and I heard a big "ugg" coming from the poor Elder. I guess the hugging email applied to relatives as well. I have though I was impressed with his efforts to be obedient to the mission rules.

Last weekend we headed to Pocatello for his Homecoming Talk. It was so nice to hear about his mission experiences and to feel of his good spirit. Both Dave and I have been so impressed with who he has become and for his dedication in the field. Well done Elder Auger and Welcome Home.

Have My Cake and Eat It Too

So my friend Brenda and I signed ourselves up for a cake decorating class at Michael's. It is so much fun except there's only one problem. CAKE! We are always making frosting and of course we have to eat our homework. We placed a #1 on our first cake so we would be able to see the difference from our last to our first.
This past week was the final cake we made in class. Don't ask me what went wrong but gravity seemed to be working against me. My frosting was yellow instead of white, runny instead of firm and the cake was crooked instead of straight. After baking, making the frosting, and decorating for 8 hours I wanted to have a cake fight in my kitchen. I was caked out! It didn't turn out as good as I hoped but at least it didn't taste that bad.

Lunch with Loved Ones

I love it when family and friends come and visit. When Kylie was 2 months old her Great Grandpa and Grandma Vermillion were visiting my parents from Arizona and decided to drive a little further to come have lunch with Kylie and I while Dave was at work. It was so fun to have lunch with Kylie's Great Grandparents and Grandma and have them all get acquainted for the first time. Recently my Aunt Dee from Arizona came up with my mom to visit and meet Kylie as well. We had the same lunch and had them same good time as we had with the Great Grandparents. We had such a nice time and it was great to show off our little miracle.

Ten Months Old

My mom brought over an outfit that I had worn when I was about 10 months old. She had saved the outfit throughout the years because it was one outfit that reminded her of when I was a baby. I waited until Kylie was 10 months old and antisipated dressing her in it to see if there were any similiarities. We couldn't resist but to chase Kylie around the house taking a few pictures.

24th of July

Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I'm backtracking because I want to try turning this blog into a memory book. That should also explain the occasional cheesiness associated with some of these blogs.

The weekend of the 24th we planned our first annual Mills camp out. We spent the weekend at Cub River, Idaho. We ate Dave's delicious dutch oven meals and Christie's sinfully good sweet rolls. We all hiked up to Spring Meadows for a short hike and played silly campfire games while sitting in Ryan and Michelle's outdoor Love Sak. Grandma and Grandpa Mills brought everyone a liter of Coke, mentoes and pipe for a competition to see who's would sky rocket the best in the air. Dave's design looked pretty promising but a mento had snuck through before we were ready and caught us off guard for 2nd place. Grandma and Grandpa Mills gave us an impressive demonstration that swept the competition. We had a great time and it was nice to see all the non-campers "roughen it."