Sunday, May 25, 2008

Digital Scrapbook World

I'm considering getting into digital scrapbooking. I now realize that for the next several decades I'm going to have limited time to do anything. Yet I would like to capture what is taking up all my time. It seems there must be a way to collide both digital scrapbooking and blogging. Any ideas? If some of my blogs seem a little up in the clouds in the future it will be because I plan on using the blog as a scrapbook/journal as well. Why not do two things at once. I think its a mom's duty anyways to discover the fine art of multi-tasking. ;) If you have come across a digital scrapbooking company that you feel is particular good to work with please let me know. I would love your suggestions.


Rachel said...

If you go to digital scrapbooking just go to and get all the freebies. There are a ton and they are updated everyday so there are lots of different ones and they are FREE! (the best part)

Emmie-Lew said...

There are also Blog Books out there! You just drag and drop your entire blog into a template, then they print it up all nice and pretty in a hard bound book! DONE!! Check out for sure!

Autumn & Chris said...

Hey K-
If you ever have any questions about Digi Scrapping give me a shout!!!! There are lot's of great links on my blog to free digi kit downloads and tutorials. It's very very addicting and you won't wanna ever stop once you get the knack for it. It's good to see your little family doing so well up in the "Real" happy valley. That's what Chris and I call N.Ogden What a great place to raise a fam.
Have a great one.

The Augers said...
