Tag I'm it? So I'm reading Brittany's and Rachel's blog and at the end they both tag me! Here's the questions they asked.
What is his name? David Owen Auger aka "
Bucko." Recently as I was talking to Dave right before we went to bed and he leans over in the middle of our conversation and says "Okay,
Bucko." What in the world? Where did that come from? Now I can't resist but call him "
How long have we been together? 3 years, married 2.
How long did we date? About a year. We were set up by my inspired roommate Stephanie Slater
Farwell. Dave met Stephanie at
Goblin Valley at my singles ward
camp out. I was working that weekend and couldn't go. Dave didn't know Stephanie and was hesitant to be set up so he asked a few guys around him for a reference I happened to have gone out with all of them. What luck! Stephanie came back from the trip and told me she had met my match. I was hesitant just having gone through a break-up and told her not to push it forward unless he calls on his own. Dave called a few days later and asked me out. We ended up doubling with Joel and Liz
Jacobson and went out for pizza and played pool.
How old is he? 34
Who eats more? Dave. I once asked him if he wanted to split a meal and he said "
Kierstin, I'm 6'6" I don't split meals." I've haven't asked since.
Who said "I love you" first? We both can't remember. How's that for romantic. I'm pretty sure it was Dave I just can't remember the setting.
Who is smarter? Dave is he picked me right! Ha ha ;)
Who does the laundry and dishes? Mostly I do but Dave is good about helping out around the house. I couldn't do it without his help!
Who mows the lawn? Dave has been trying to trick me into doing it but he's done it 100% of the time.
Who pays the bills? We both do. When it comes in the mail whoever sees it first pays it.
Who cooks the meals? I do.
Dave's good on the BBQ and I'm the inside Chef.
Who drives when you are together? Dave.
Who is more stubborn? I think that we both think each other is more stubborn. Depends on what it is.
Who kissed who first? Dave's the mover and shaker. I could tell he wanted to kiss me on a previous date but I wasn't ready and I thought if he was interested he would have to wait. On one of our dates we went hiking and at the top of a waterfall I could tell he wanted to kiss me. I felt like a little school girl and had the jitters as if it were my first kiss. I had been on a few dates with Dave but didn't know his intentions. (Apparently he had some!) I ended up giving him the green light and Dave went for it. I'm sure Dave would love to tell you that I made the moves but I know otherwise.
Who proposed? Dave proposed by leaving a nice note and flowers in my car after work. He had forgotten his wallet because he was so nervous and asked me to pay for dinner. We went for a stroll in the park before we headed to dinner and he asked me to marry him. It happened so fast I was taken back so I told him to get back on his knee and tell me why he wanted to marry me. I delightfully accepted and then we headed for pizza where we had our first date. We now laugh (Dave laughs the hardest) that I had to flip the bill on the night we got engaged.
Who has more siblings? Dave has 1 sister and 5 brothers and I have 3 brothers.
Who wares the pants in the family? Dave thinks he does.
Dave is such a wonderful husband and father. I got more than what I bargained for. I am so blessed to have him in my life.
Tag: Emily, Heidi, and my sister-in-laws!